Our commitments
Commitment to Quality

Environmental Commitment
An entity like ours must grow, but in orderly fashion. At an environmental level, our company complies with all the parameters that are legally established, but that is often not enough. We reuse and recycle heavily. From something as simple as paper to mechanical components, tires, industrial oils, etc… we are registered as a waste collection entity and even the water we use undergoes purification processes.
Likewise, technology makes it easier for our vehicles to be increasingly efficient both in their consumption and in the emission of polluting gases and particles, as well as in the reuse of materials at the end of their useful life. For all these reasons, practically 2/3 of our fleet is made up of vehicles with an ECO environmental label thanks to LPG systems that significantly reduce our greenhouse effect emissions. The incorporation of new administrative and documentary systems helps reduce the volume of paper. As a result, with each one of the processes we carry out, day by day we optimize our data flows.

Technological Commitment

Social Commitment
The strict compliance on our part of the current legislation on transport in all instances implies a social policy with our staff. We have one of the best staff, since we receive countless congratulations from our clients for the treatment received and the professionalism with which they perform their duties. We guarantee that their work is safe and that they duly comply with Road Safety. We are convinced that this is not the result of good luck but rather due to a significant investment in the social welfare of the workforce. Likewise, our company advocates for equality and for the incorporation of women into our sector at all levels.
We are also aware of the need for the incorporation of the most disadvantaged sectors and together with other entities we study the formulas that facilitate this incorporation into our sector in areas where they can be perfectly integrated.